Taking the pulse of the people

I was at a meetup catering to people in the startup community and metered Internet actually came up. I got a few things out of the conversation:

  • Yes, AT&T’s metering is an issue.
  • Yes, AT&T is probably doing this to make up for cord cutters.
  • A sense that the only people who’ll be affected are people who use BitTorrent (in other words, the “2%” AT&T referred to).

The one thing I didn’t get out of it was a sense of urgency, a sense that this was actually going to affect the Internet in a negative way. It almost felt like when you know something’s going to happen no matter what you do, so there’s not much point.

History is filled with people who, against all odds, fight for what’s right. How do you rally people when the arguments resonate, but the emotion is falling flat? Granted, it was probably not the best type of meetup to discuss this, but if I’m having problems convincing technologically proficient users, how do I convince everyone else? The answer is there somewhere–I just need to find it.

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